By Juergen Krebs, Software Sales Manager, Ricoh Graphic Communications, Ricoh Europe
How would you describe your print production process? Seamless? Friction free? As smooth as it can be?
If the answer is ‘No’ to any, or all, of these descriptions you are not alone.
Today’s printing industry is defined by two significant movements. The first is the continuing analogue to digital transition that is driving Print Service Providers’ (PSPs) technology evolution.
The second is keener focus on sustainable efficiency. Jobs are processed, printed, and delivered faster, and with a reduction in waste enabled by the digital print on demand production of only what is required. This results in greater production capacity, higher earnings potential, and happier clients.
Each influence the other and place pressure on PSPs to manage several operational elements concurrently.
As steps are taken to adapt and grow by investing in digital systems and solutions, there are often hidden implications on the legacy infrastructure and workflows that are currently in place.
For example, when new hardware and technology are added to existing operations and workflows, isolated pockets of automation can be created.
Or increasingly complex print workflows can result from incremental add ons that generate messy, convoluted, and cumbersome operations.
And when investments are made in response to specific needs, it can be hard to see how delays might inadvertently be introduced.
It is not until end to end operations begin running that areas of inefficiency become clear.
Ideally a complete analysis will show PSPs what is happening in their workflows, identify redundancies and weaknesses and highlight inefficiencies.
A workflow analysis may show that software powering that process can be improved. It may show where to automate repetitive processes, streamline job onboarding, minimise, or eliminate manual touchpoints, and employ better print production management.
Our workflow automation solutions streamline job submission to completion, eliminates time consuming touchpoints, eases costly bottlenecks, addresses reduced productivity, and avoids unnecessary waste.
Commercial print operations can minimise touchpoints by automatically preflighting, imposing, and batching jobs. With integration into existing workflows, and by enabling automatic job routing to production, we can also support the transition from traditional analogue to digital printing with, for example, our new workflow solution for Graphic Arts
To explore ways to streamline every step of the print production process talk to our team at drupa.