The world's largest industrial coalition to improve CSR in global supply chains
The Ricoh Company, Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan) announced today that it has joined the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), a global coalition dedicated to improving corporate social responsibility (CSR) in global supply chains.
The RBA is a non-profit coalition[1] <#_ftn1> headquartered in Virginia, USA, committed to the rights and welfare of workers and communities within global supply chains. Founded in 2004 by a group of leading electronics companies, the coalition now includes global companies from a wide range of industries, including electrical, electronics and ICT manufacturers as well as companies from the retail, automotive and toy industries. As a member of the RBA, Ricoh will fully support the vision and mission of the RBA.
RBA vision
A global electronics industry that creates sustainable added value for workers, the environment and the economy.
The RBA's mission
Members, suppliers and stakeholders work together to improve working and environmental conditions through leading standards and practices.
RBA sets standards in the RBA Code of Conduct to ensure that working environments in supply chains are safe, workers are treated with respect and dignity and manufacturing processes are responsible for their environmental impact. Ricoh will conduct its business activities in accordance with the RBA Code of Conduct, respecting common goals and beliefs, and is committed to adopting and implementing the RBA concept and tools. Ricoh will also support and share the activities of its Tier 1 suppliers.
With the introduction of the Mid-Term Management Plan 2017, Ricoh has intensified its efforts to support the solution of social challenges through its business activities in order to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since the Ricoh Group Supplier Code of Conduct was introduced in January 2006, Ricoh and its suppliers have been committed to a better society and environment and to sustainable business development. Now Ricoh wants to share RBA's vision and mission, based on the RBA Code of Conduct, with its suppliers to contribute to a more sustainable society in the future as an RBA member.