AccurioPro SECURE protects printers from cyber attacks and data theft

As print production becomes increasingly networked, there is a growing risk that print shops and print service providers will become victims of cyber attacks and data theft. After all, small and medium-sized businesses have long since also become the target of criminals. With AccurioPro SECURE, Konica Minolta is therefore offering new security services specifically for printing companies. By activating hard disk encryption, overwriting temporary data and using secure passwords, they ensure a high standard of security that protects against cyber attacks.

Modern security strategies today build up staggered lines of defence. The aim is to block attackers in such a way that they cannot get at the "honeypot", i.e. company and production critical data. However, securing the IT infrastructure and network is no longer sufficient, as these are usually already adequately protected. Therefore, the production systems themselves must also be included in the security strategy and protected accordingly to prevent damage to the company.
"Data is the most valuable, but also the most endangered asset of any printing company. AccurioPro SECURE provides reliable protection for business-critical documents, data and information," explains Patrick Peemöller, Product Marketing Manager Production Printing at Konica Minolta. "In recent years, breaches of security standards have become a serious risk for many companies. Our services therefore do not only secure print data, they also prevent financial damage and help protect the reputation of the printing company.
AccurioPro SECURE does this through a range of security services:
Hard drive encryption activation
For recurring jobs it is possible to store print jobs on the hard disk of an AccurioPress system. AccurioPro SECURE allows to encrypt this hard disk cryptographically effective to prevent the reading of business critical documents. Such a precaution plays a special role especially when the hard disk is removed.
Activation of the overwriting of temporary data
When printing documents, potentially confidential data is sent to the production printing system and temporarily stored there. To prevent unauthorised access to such data, AccurioPro SECURE provides an automatic delete mode. It effectively destroys any traces of data that may still exist, even after print jobs have been deleted by temporary overwriting. This function also allows files in the print system's electronic folders to be deleted automatically and scheduled.
Enabling Secure Passwords
Hackers generally have an easy time breaking into a system whose default password has never been changed. That's why the new services ensure that every default administrator password is changed to a unique and secure password. This effectively prevents unauthorized access. AccurioPress production printing systems are equipped with a control mechanism that checks that a sufficiently secure combination of letters and numbers is used. Gaps caused by weak passwords are thus eliminated. In the same way, clear and secure passwords can be assigned to the operating personnel. This ensures that only authorized persons use a printing system.
With "AccurioPro Secure Notifier" Konica Minolta also offers an optional app for the printing system. With this app, the administrator has all information on security-relevant data at a glance and is alerted to any gaps.
AccurioPro SECURE is available for newly purchased AccurioPress systems from Konica Minolta and is installed directly at the customer's site.